Shop On-line For Agriculture Tires

Every farmer and rancher requires a tough tires for all their herculean tasks. We offer premium tires for tractors, combines, harvesters and multi-purpose for everything in between.

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Agricultural Tire Applications


agricultural tractor tire farm tire

A tractor is specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort (or torque) at slow speeds. Modern four-wheel drive tractors can be articulated or non-articulated.


Tractor Tread Options


R1 tread

The all-rounder that fits every job. Maximum traction, minimum soil compaction.


Hybrid tread

High comfort and mileage on roads. Ideal traction on hard and soft soils with minimum damage on grassland applications.


Combines & Harvesters

compact loader tires 12.5-20

A versatile machine designed to efficiently harvest a variety of grain crops. The name derives from its combining three separate harvesting operations –reaping, threshing, and winnowing –into a single process.


Multi-purpose (MPT)

compact loader tires 12.5/80-18

Multi-purpose tires are tires used for a number of application that do not fit a specific tire category and where conditions are particularly challenging. They can be off-road, on-road or even both, depending on the construction.


Agricultural Tires and Technology

Flexibility and robustness –qualities shared by farmers

Agricultural tires have to master a variety of challenges, including switching from the road to the field with varying loads and at different speeds. Premium agricultural tires are robust, durable and remain drivable at low air pressure. They can carry greater loads with less soil compaction due to a larger contact surface area. The materials and construction of premium agricultural tires strike a perfect balance between flexibility and robustness.

Bead Technology

The bead is essential to a tire, because it's what keeps it on the rim. Made of a single piece of wire, beads must be sturdy, compact, and keep their shape.

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Agricultural Tire Conversion Table (Shop by size)

  Section Width        
Imperial Size 85% 70% 65% Large Vol. & Industrial Super Vol. Narrow Misc
7.50" OD
7.50R16   280/70R16          
7.50R18   280/70R18 320/65R16 11LR16     250/80R18
7.50R20   280/70R20 320/65R18       275/80R18
8.3" OD
8.3R44           210/95R44  
9.5" OD
9.5R20 250/85R20 300/70R20         275/80R20
9.5R24             335/80R20
9.5R28 250/85R28            
9.5R40           230/95R40  
9.5R44           230/95R44  
9.5R48           230/95R48  
10.5" OD
10.5R20 275/80R20            
11.2" OD
11.2R28 280/85R28 320/70R28 440/65R24        
11.2R20 280/85R20 320/70R20         335/80R18
11.2R24 280/85R24 320/70R24 420/65R20       375/75R20
11.2R32           270/95R32  
11.2R38           270/95R38  
11.2R42           270/95R42  
11.2R48           270/95R48  
12.4" OD
12.4R24 320/85R24 360/70R24 420/65R24     9.5R28 425/75R20
12.4R28 320/85R28 360/70R28 420/65R28 17.5LR24   230/95R32  
12.4R36 320/85R36         230/95R40  
12.4R38 320/85R38            
12.4R20 320/85R20 405/70R20 420/65R20       375/75R20
12.4R32 320/85R32         230/95R36  
12.4R34 320/85R34 480/70R28 540/65R28 580/70R26   270/95R36  
12.4R42 320/80R42           320/90R42
12.4R46             320/105R46
12.4R50             320/105R50
12.4R54             320/105R54
13.6" OD
13.6R36 340/85R36            
13.6R46 340/85R46            
13.6R24 340/85R24 380/70R24 440/65R24     11.2R28  
13.6R28 340/85R28 380/70R28 440/65R28 19.5LR24      
13.6R38 340/85R38         210/95R44  
13.6R48 340/85R48            
14.9" OD
14.9R20   380/70R20         375/75R20
14.9R24 380/85R24 420/70R24 480/65R24 17.5LR24   230/95R32  
14.9R26       19.5LR24      
14.9R28 380/85R28 420/70R28
480/65R28       380/70R28
14.9R30 380/85R30 420/70R30   19.5LR28   180/95R40  
14.9R34 380/85R34   540/65R30 620/70R26  600/65R28      
14.9R38 380/80R38     620/75R30 1000/50R25 230/95R44  
14.9R46           380/90R46  
14.9R50           380/90R50  
14.9R54           380/90R54  
15.5" OD
15.5R38     540/65R34 480/70R34
16.9" OD
16.9R34 420/85R34 480/70R30 540/65R30 620/75R26
1000/50R25 230/95R44  
16.9R38 420/85R38 480/70R38
540/65R38 620/75R30   230/95R48  
16.9R46 420/80R46     800/65R32
16.9R24 420/85R24 480/70R24 540/65R24 19.5LR25   230/95R36  
16.9R26   480/70R26 540/65R26     230/95R36  
16.9R28 420/85R28 480/70R28 540/65R28 19.5LR28
  270/95R36 440/80R28
16.9R30 420/85R30
480/70R30 540/65R30 600/65R28
18.4" OD
18.4R26 460/85R26 520/70R26   580/70R26
18.4R30 460/85R30 520/70R30   620/75R26
1000/50R25 210/95R44  
18.4R34 460/85R34 520/70R34 600/65R34 620/75R30   230/95R48  
18.4R38 460/85R38 520/70R38 620/75R34
650/75R32   270/95R48  
18.4R30 460/85R30 520/70R30          
18.4R42 480/80R42            
18.4R46 480/80R46 580/70R42   710/75R34      
19.5" OD
20.8" OD
20.8R34 520/85R34 520/70R34          
20.8R38 520/85R38 580/70R38 650/65R38 680/75R32
1050/50R32 270/95R48  
20.8R42 520/85R42 580/70R42 650/65R42 710/75R34
20.8R46 520/85R46     710/70R42      
22.5" OD
22R22.5             560/45R22.5
23.1" OD
23.1R26       620/75R26      
23.1R30       620/75R30      
23.1R34       620/75R34      
24.5" OD
24.5R26             620/75R26
24.5R34             650/75R34
24.5R42       650/75R42      
24.5R32   680/70R32         650/75R32
28" OD
28R26       750/65R26      
30.5" OD
30.5LR32       800/65R32      

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Multi-purpose Tires Specifications

        Load Capacity (LBS)    
Size Rim OD (in.) Sec. Width (IN.) 6 mph 15 mph Weight (lbs.)
Click on size for tire options offered
18" Wheel
10.5-18 9x18 36.5 11.5 6746 5060 77.4
12.5/80-18 11x18 37.7 12.1 7360 5140 92
12.5-18 11x18 40.0 13.8 7738 5810 105.0
19.5" Wheel
18-19.5 14x19.5 44.8 19.4 12897 11113 142.9
18-19.5 14x19.5 44.8 19.4 12897 11113 160.9
20" Wheel
10.5-20 9x20 38.5 11.5 7143 5358 79.8
12.5-20 11x20 42.0 13.8 7937 5954 120.2
14.5-20 11x20 44.3 15.1 8653 6494 135.6
405/70-20 13x20 44.1 17.8 11574 9845 142.2
22.5" Wheel
18-22.5 14x22.5 47.8 19.4 13900 11973 .
24" Wheel
405/70-24 13x24 48.1 17.8 12346 10496 179.7
15.5/80-24 13x24 50.9 16.3 13889 11808 164.3
16.5/85-24 13x24 54.3 17.2 15895 13517 169.8

Data may vary by manufacturer, ply rating and compound. Information is provided as a general guide only. If size is not listed, please call toll-free 877-895-1118.


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