Cart Details

Please feel free to add items to your cart. When you are ready to place your order, press the "Check Out" button. Your order will be confirmed prior to payment processing.

Cart Items

Cart Summary

Cart Total  2,208.00 (USD)
Estimated shipping & applicable taxes will be calculated at check out.
Payment Options

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Cascadia Industrial Tire Ltd. will not sell or distribute your personal information.
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Your order is safe & secure guarded by state-of-the-art technology.

Shopping Cart Notes

Item Pricing

Price displayed is the price of the item when it was added to your shopping cart with the applicable exchange rate at the time. The invoice we send you for review and approval will be the final order total, prior to payment settlement. (Please note exchange rates comments below).

Typographical errors or inaccuracies due occur. We reserve the right to correct any errors, including price errors. We will discuss any pricing exceptions with you prior to order processing.

Shopping Cart Space

As this list can get quite large as thousands of visitors create their own carts, we must purge old cart items from time to time. When you register (and login), your list items will automatically be retained much longer. (See Non-Registered and Registered Visitor info below for retention length)

How Do I Know Shipping Costs?

We ship from numerous warehouses throughout Canada and the USA to keep your shipping times and costs to a minimum. We need to find the closest warehouse with stock and request our shipping broker find you the best shipping options possible. We do not process any payments until you review and approval the order total including any shipping.

Exchange Rates

Our base currency is $Canadian. For our non-Canadian visitors, we display prices on our website in your local currency using a dynamic exchange rate calculation. This is updated every 4 hours. When items are added to your cart, the exchange rate may change by the time you approve and finalize your order. The invoice will show the billing total (with the current daily exchange rate applied). Your cart and invoice totals may be somewhat different because of exchange rate variations and timing.

Cardholder Credit Card Authorization

For the cardholders security, all orders over $1,000 require a electronically signed Credit Card Authorization by the cardholder. This must be completed before we will send a payment request.

Payment Processing

Payment processing is completed by Helcim and payment requests are send via email/text through their secure website once your order has been finalized and approved. Helcim is a Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant service provider and no credit card or bank information is stored on our servers. There may be slight variations in the charge that shows up on your statement as your credit card company may include extra fees for payment processing. Contact your credit card provider for clarification.

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